Recently, I was working on an Analytics / Data Mining project to predict the chances of an employee's attrition. I used SPSS for doing this, although I came to know that there could be more tools like SAS to do this kind of predictive modeling. Here are a few factors that I came up with to predict a Company's employee attrition (employee initiated). If you can suggest some factors, that would be really good to know!
Tenure in system in years
Any department level features, like average/less promotion year, etc.
Last increment % (was it greater than 1%?)
Last annual bonus % (was it greater than 5%?)
Number of perks, e.g., entitlement for a car, work from home, etc.
Last Promotion date? Was the employee ever promoted?
External factors (e.g., geography)
Tenure in system in years
Any department level features, like average/less promotion year, etc.
Last increment % (was it greater than 1%?)
Last annual bonus % (was it greater than 5%?)
Number of perks, e.g., entitlement for a car, work from home, etc.
Last Promotion date? Was the employee ever promoted?
External factors (e.g., geography)